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Dear Enquirer,


Thank you for your Interest regarding ‘Embalming’ tuition. Successful completion of the following course will result in a professional qualification enabling you to apply for full membership of a professional Institute. 

I have compiled a short précis of current requirements, and hope that you will find the information helpful.


This programme of study is a life changing commitment, with some students finding the prospect of the workload involved quite daunting. It may therefore be a good idea for potential students to discuss their intentions not only with family members, but also with those they work with before embarking upon the course.


Most experienced students find that by devoting one to two hours per day, they can complete the course of study in 12 – 18 months. Others choose to accelerate this process by devoting more time to the subject. 


In addition to study time, some visits will need to be undertaken in order to successfully complete the necessary coursework. Throughout the course, it is the student’s responsibility to maintain their personal learning programme, and to ensure that they are punctual and properly prepared for all assignments, assessments and examinations. 


The method of tuition for the course I am able to offer you is home study/distance learning / workplace based, combined with periodic tutorials. Programmes are of roughly twelve to eighteen months duration, (unless accelerated) the details of which are personalised, being developed to take into account the lifestyle and commitments of the student. 


It is the student’s own responsibility to get themselves to the designated examination venue, for students on my courses this is currently Birkbeck University of London.


Study for the Embalming qualification is divided into Modules ‘1’ – ‘5’. A short syllabus is included within this information pack. 


The tuition fees for my particular course are on application. Modules ‘1’ - ‘5’ are paid for individually, giving the student the opportunity to spread the cost of their studies. 


Tuition fees are payable at the commencement of each module.  The time period between modules is approximately 8 - 10 weeks.


During the course it is the student’s responsibility to gain a range of embalming experience, with eventual 1:1 practical embalming tuition for examination purposes taking place either in your place of work, or if this is not possible, at an alternative venue, which may result in an additional facilitation fee and travelling on your part.  Please note that no part of any fee paid is refundable. 


Tuition fees do not include student registration, examination fees, text books, or any travelling/accommodation expenses that a student may incur. 

It is the duty of the student to pay the following disbursements through their tutor.


Fees payable are currently:


BIE Student Registration: £245.00


IEBE Registration and Modular Unit Examination Fees: £550.00


Practical Examination fee: (autopsied + non-autopsied) £400.00 (payable upon practical examination application following academic success)


Any modular examination or assessment failure will result in a re-sit fee of £110.00.


Any of the above BIE fees may be altered without consultation.


If you wish to pursue this course, please complete the attached application form online return it to the above address, after which the syllabus can be discussed, an individual training plan devised, and targets identified regarding course commencement, modular assessment, and final completion.


If you are unsure about what’s on offer, or have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.


Short Syllabus (Abbreviated Content) BIE


Module 1

History of embalming Reasons for embalming BIE – code of ethics /committees etc Procedures required for embalming – legalities Sociological and Psychological Effects of Grief Life and death definitions Health and safety Manual handling COSHH Health and safety re: formaldehyde Personal protective equipment PPE Environmental protection act REACH First aid regulations Immunity Mathematics


Module 2 unit 1

Techniques used in modern embalming Body cavities Directional terms Cytology Abnormal cell division Histology Disorders of cells and tissues

Module 2 unit 2

Diffusion and osmosis Elements compounds mixtures and solutions Embalming chemicals


Module 2 unit 3

Disease aetiology Senescence Microbiology Sterilization and disinfection The embalming theatre


Module 3 unit 1

Skeletal system Histology of bone Classification of bone


Module 3 unit 2

Circulatory system Structure of blood Disorders of blood The heart Blood vessels


Module 3 unit 3

Arteries of systemic circulation Veins of the systemic circulation Pulmonary circulation Hepatic portal circulation Anastomoses Disorders of the blood vessels Lymphatics system Homeostasis


Module 4 unit 1

Respiratory system Disorders of the respiratory system Digestive system Functions of the liver Urinary system Nervous system Disorders of the nervous system Endocrine system


Module 4 unit 2

Surface anatomy


Module 4 unit 3

Post mortem changes and discolouration Rigor mortis Hypostasis Haemolysis Post mortem clots Decomposition, fermentation and putrefaction Process of decomposition


Module 5 unit 1

Embalming chemicals Pre-embalming considerations Tests for death Mouth closures Removal of surgical devices


Module 5 unit 2

Choice of vessels for injection and drainage Selection of location of arteries and veins The embalming operation Arterial injection Vein drainage Atrial drainage Aspiration Trocar guides to the organs Closing incisions Embalming an autopsy case


Module 5 unit 3

Embalming special conditions Purge Skin damage/ skin slip Total chemical embalming Organ donation Partial autopsy Reconstruction case Cerebral haemorrhage Ruptured aortic aneurysm Bariatric case Dehydrated case Emaciated Cases beyond viewing


Module 5 unit 4

Embalming completion procedures Suturing techniques Cosmetic considerations Post embalming considerations Preparation for viewing

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